
Terms and conditions

Terms for use of Landbobanken.dk

The terms and conditions below apply to the use of Ringkjøbing Landbobank’s website. Use of the website implies acceptance of the current terms and conditions. Ringkjøbing Landbobank may alter the content of this website without notice and without so indicating elsewhere on the website. Users are therefore asked to check the site’s content regularly.

The content on Ringkjøbing Landbobank’s website is protected by copyright. The pages on this site may not be duplicated without Ringkjøbing Landbobank’s prior written permission. You are welcome to download or print out material for your own use.

Disclaimer concerning the content on Landbobanken.dk

Ringkjøbing Landbobank makes every effort to ensure that only correct information is given, and therefore only uses sources which are judged to be reliable, but the bank is not responsible for any incorrect or incomplete information. Neither is the bank responsible for any printing errors.

The bank cannot accept responsibility for any transactions made on the basis of the content of our website. The website’s content is not intended to act as individual advice. Customers are therefore asked to seek personal advice in our branches. We recommend that major transactions always be made on the basis of individual advice.


Ringkjøbing Landbobank cannot accept responsibility for calculations made on Landbobanken.dk. Neither is the bank responsible for any losses which may occur as a result of transactions made on the basis of these calculations. Please contact the bank’s branches for individual advice.

Personal information

The bank cannot accept responsibility for security if users send unencrypted e-mails to the bank. The bank is not obliged to execute orders or instructions given by e-mail, and thus also not responsible for any losses incurred because such orders or instructions were not executed.

The bank cannot accept responsibility for data security if users send personal or confidential information by e-mail.

Links from Landbobanken.dk

Links from Landbobanken.dk to websites run by third party are given for information. The bank cannot accept responsibility for the content of such sites.

Personal data policy and use of cookies

Please see this page concerning storage of personal data and use of cookies on Landbobanken.dk.

Changes to the Terms and conditions for use of Landbobanken.dk

The bank reserves the right to change the terms for use of Landbobanken.dk without notice. Any disputes which may arise concerning the use or content of Landbobanken.dk shall be decided under Danish law by Danish courts.